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Kinga Emese Zsido Abstract: The evolution of the number of the population in many countries, even at European level, gives signs of concern, of which we should be aware: the significant decrease of the population, the negative changes in its structure can have negative and drastic economic and social effects if the governments do not intervene reasonable time. The implementation of measures must be well thought out, with the possibility of financial support and maintained for a long time, so that the expected effects appear. In Europe, some governments (especially in Eastern Europe) have already assumed this responsibility, implemented a series of measures to keep the youth in the country, to increase the number of children, with the purpose of increasing the population and balancing its structure. The paper presents a comparative analysis of the measures implemented by three European countries (Poland, Romania and Hungary) in order to increase the population in the following decades. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2478/amso-2019-0006 Pages: 49-56 View full article |